About this blog

Why am I making this?

There are several reasons for that:

What I plan to post about

But not limited.

React is cancelled

I have been investigating how to set up React based SPA app to work from AWS S3 via AWS CloudFront with routing and SSR support. I've been doing this for quite a while. And in the end I've decided: this is not worth it. Like at all. It gonna be overcomplicated and worthless. So what I gonna do is remake this blog to the custom engine we use in WebLab. It gonna take a couple of hours for my colleague to remake it. After that I'll be able to edit my posts via an ergonomic CMS, and SEO will be preserved with server-side rendering.

I hope that the next post will be done using the new CMS.


Today my tiny challenge for this blog was to make favicon. I am not a graphics person at all. In my software development services business I use designer help to create favicons for our customers. Since this blog is not a commercial product, I decided to find a free option. A quick search in Google gave me several online solution for this.

Among other I've chosen favicon.io. It's really simple and easy to use. I've generated my favicon using my initials in under a minute. They's provided all the necessary formats for different devices and also a piece of code to copy-paste and make it run. So I've finished the task in under two minutes if not taking googleing time into account.

I've tried also a couple of other solutions like favicon-generator.org. But I've found them to be not so straightforward and easy to use.

So in the end I definitely recommend favicon.io. It might not be the best solution for large enterprise which needs favicon to be a part of their brand-book. By the way if your enterprise needs brand-book, you're welcome to contact me. If you are not a large enterprise and you value simplicity the service above is a good choice.

Day two

I've deployed the blog to AWS S3 to a temporary bucket.

The technology I use to create this blog

I use React to create this blog. Why not WorPress or some other more suitable option? Well...

  1. I'm learning React, so why not practice it everywhere I can?
  2. I like apps to be reactive and progressive. I like SPAs.
  3. I like to use modern technologies.
  4. This is not a commercial project. So I can work not for result solely, but to feel pleasure of the process. Since I am a software developer, I feel pleasure designing apps. Getting something that just works and I do not know what's inside would be much less fun for me.
  5. I have heard many opinions about SPAs and SEO. Both positive and negative. It is really interesting for me to check myself does it really work.

The start

This is a start of my blog. My name is Jaroslav. I am software developer, entrepreneur, father, gamer.

This is just the very first page. I am committed to improving the website constantly.

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